Cavour Lift Station and Forcemain Improvements
Halme Inc. was the prime contractor on this project to install a new lift station, valve vault, sewer forcemain and highway bores. Banner Associates is the project engineer. Our subcontactors include Efraimson Electric, Iowa Trenchless, and Skyview Construction.
Lake Poinsett East and Northeast Lake Drive Wastewater System Expansion
Halme Inc. was the prime contractor on this $2million project to expand the sewer system on Lake Poinsett. The project included new lagoon construction. 3 large lift stations, 60 small grinder lift stations, gravity sewer, sewer forcemain, and hookups to 122 homes. This is a project designed by Banner Associates Inc. Our subcontractors included Efraimson Electric, LL and Sons Excavating, Basin Construction and Draintile, Area Lawn Works, Aason Engineering, BX Civil and Sweeney Controls.
Florence Water System Improvements
Halme Inc. was the prime contractor on this $2million project to completely rebuild the water system for the Town of Florence SD. The project included a new well house and pumps, a new water tank, all new distribution water main and services, and rebuilding the streets after the pipe was installed. Helms Engineering of Aberdeen SD was the engineer. Our subcontractors include Efraimson Electric, Lehtola Builders, Great Plains Structures, Duininick Inc., Construstion Signing Corp. and Area Lawn Works
Astoria Wastewater System Improvements
Halme Inc. was the prime contractor on this project to build an new wastewater lagoon and install a lift station. The engineer for the project was Banner Engineering. The subcontractors were Efraimson Electric, Area inc. and Lehtola Builders.
Conde Water System Improvements
Halme Inc. was the prime contractor on this $2.2 million project to completely rebuild the water system for the Town of Conde, SD. The project included a new well house and pumps, a new water tank, all new distribution water main and services, and rebuilding the streets after the pipe was installed. Helms Engineering of Aberdeen SD was the engineer. Our subcontractors included Efraimson Electric, Lehtola Builders, Great Plains Structures, Lien Transportation and Glacial Lakes Erosion Control.
Agropur Cheese Plant Expansion
Halme Inc. was a subcontractor to Miron Contruction on this $2.3 million project designed by E.A. Bonelli & Assoc. along with ISG. Halme's contract was to perform the site work which included storm sewer piping, waste water piping, mass excavation, building excavation, parking lots, and general site preparation. Halme utilized GPS on their equipment with this project to provide precise site prep and grade control.
Agropur Outfall Line
Halme Inc. was the prime contractor on this $3.4 million project for the Agropur cheese plant in Lake Norden, SD. There was 14 miles of 16" pipe to install, along with 35 Air Release Valves. Halme utilized GPS on their equipment to provide precise pipe depth and location. The project also included boring under existing roads as well as an outfall structure located at the Big Sioux River. Banner Associates of Brookings, SD was the project engineer. Efraimson Electric of Bryant, SD, Lehtola Builders and Area, Inc. both of Lake Norden, SD were subcontractors on this project.
Kingbrook Rural Water System Expansion
Halme Inc. was the prime contractor on this $9.6 million project for Kingbrook Rural Water System. There was 178 miles of rural water pipe to install ranging in sizes from 1 1/2" to 16", along with 240 services. The project also included boring under existing roads. The project engineer was DGR Engineering. Efraimson Electric of Bryant, SD and Basin Construction of Hayti, SD were subcontractors on this project.
SDDOT Madison Hwy 34 Urban Reconstruction Project
Halme Inc. was a subcontractor to D&G Concrete Construction, Inc. on this $2.1 million project for the SDDOT. Halme's portion of the contract was to remove and replace watermain, sanitary and storm sewer along the length of the project. Watermain pipe sizes range from 4" to 10"; sanitary sewer pipe sizes range from 6" to 18"; and storm sewer pipe sizes range from 18" to 54". Halme also utilized GPS on their equipment to provide precise pipe depth and grade control.
Garfield Dairy
Halme Inc. was a subcontractor to Riverview, LLP on this $4.6 million project. Halme performed all of the site work, and utilized their GPS to provide precise site prep. With retention basins, a large holding barn, milk parlor, feed pad and more, there was over 750,000 cubic yards of material to move.
Lake Norden Wellfield and Raw Water Transmission
Halme Inc. was the prime contractor on this project for the City of Lake Norden. There was approximately 7,800 lineal feet of 10" water main to be installed, along with the construction of three new wells and multiple directionally drilled road and stream crossings. Banner Associates were the engineers on this project. Efraimson Electric of Bryant, SD, Kaiser Well Drilling of Lake Norden, SD and Guardrail Enterprises of Chancellor, SD, and Ellingson Drainage of West Concord, MN were subcontractors on this project.
Clark Rural Water System - Willow Lake and Bradley Improvements
Halme Inc. was the prime contractor on this $1.5 million project for Clark Rural Water System. There was approximately 11.5 miles of 6" water main, 6 miles of 8" water main and approximately 1 mile of 10" water main installed. The project also included directionally drilling under existing roads and streams. The project engineer was Banner Associates. Efraimson Electric of Bryant, SD and Guardrail Enterprises of Chancellor, SD were subcontractors on this project.
Elkton Utility Improvements - Phase I
Halme Inc. was the prime contractor for the City of Elkton on their $4.4 million project. There was approximately 25 city blocks to rebuild which included the removal and installation of approximately 8,000 feet of sewer main, approximately 8,000 feet of water main, 7,700 ton of asphalt paving, along with all of the services, concrete curb and gutter and street prep. The project engineer was SPN & Associates in Mitchell, SD. Bowes Construction of Brookings, SD, Guardrail Enterprises of Chancellor, SD, Hervi Concrete of Willow Lake, SD, Hydro-Klean of Des Moines, IA, Katzer Concrete of Sioux Falls, SD, and Traffic Solutions of Harrisburg, SD were all subcontractors on this project.
Clark Runway 13/31 Reconstruction
Halme Inc. was the prime contractor for Clark County to rebuild runway 13/31 at the Clark County Airport. This was a $1.6 million dollar project that included complete removal of the existing asphalt surfacing as well as 16,000 CUYD of excavation. The engineer on this project was Helms and Associates in Aberdeen, SD. Subcontractors included Area, Inc. of Lake Norden, SD, Asphalt Paving and Materials of Huron, SD, Efraimson Electric of Bryant, SD, and Traffic Solutions of Harrisburg, SD.
SDDOT Storm Sewer and Watermain Lowering
Halme Inc. was the prime contractor on this joint contract for the SDDOT and Watertown Municipal Utilities. This $1.6 million dollar project had 5 custom concrete structures, 1,859' of double 42" arch concrete pipe, 632' of 30" concrete pipe, over 3,500 SQYD of concrete flatwork along with asphalt paving and excavation work. Subcontractors included Brosz Engineering of Sioux Falls, SD, Duininick of Watertown, SD, Efraimson Electric of Bryant, SD, Skyview Construction of Summit, SD, Timmons Construction of Brookings, SD, and Traffic Solutions of Harrisburg, SD.
Washington Dairy
Halme, Inc. was a subcontractor to Riverview, LLP on this $6.4 million project. Halme performed all the site work, and utilized their GPS to provide precise site prep. With retention basins, a large holding barn, milk parlor, feed pad and more, there was over 750,000 cubic yards of material to move.
Madison Water System Improvements Phase 2
Halme Inc. was the prime contractor on this $6.4 million project for the City of Madison. There was approximately 20 city blocks that was reconstructed to have all new watermain, sewer main and storm sewer. The project also included directional drilling approximately 1400 LF of 12" watermain and 3200 LF of 12" watermain installed for the new water tower loop. The project engineer was Banner Associates. Dakota Traffic Services of Tea, SD, Efraimson Electric of Bryant, SD, Foerster Testing of Brookings, SD, Guardrail Enterprises of Chancellor, SD, Horizontal Boring & Tunneling of Exeter, NE, Rounds Construction of Brookings, SD, SealPros Paving of Harrisburg, SD, and Sentry of Lake Norden, SD were subcontractors on this project.